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compressor, rendered view
The special design of the compressor allows it to work either as a separate compressor or as a second stage of two-stage compressor. When works as single stage (separate) compressor air intake is on top side through cylindrical hole and front side is closed. When working as second stage compressor air intake is through front side (half circle opening) and top hole is closed. In both cases, the air exit is at the bottom. 
First image below shows the entrance of air from the first stage on front side and it is visible round hole on top that is intake of air when compressor work as single.

Second image represents the compressor as the first (individual) level, while the third show compressor as second level of the two-stage compressor. Both second and third picture show bottom side of compressor with air exit round hole.
compressor, air intake side
single stage compressor
second stage compressor

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