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Wind tunnel balance, 6-component

 Designed in Siemens NX

wind tunnel balance
In this project my assignment was to make fully constrained assembly and all production and assembly draftings and documentation. This balance is developed in The Military Technical Institute  as response to the specific testing wind tunnel requirements.
On first image is rendered view of finished assembly (top plate is transparent so all parts of assembly can be visible, in production all parts are made from metal materials), second and third image are views in work window.

wind tunnel balance

wind tunnel balance, work view
wind tunnel balance, work view  


  1. Hello,

    I would like to know if it exists currently a Wind tunnel which uses this Wind tunnel balance? I am really interested in the way it works. Is it possible to incorporate some sensors in order to measure aerodynamic components during the experience?

    1. Hi,
      Yes, this is floor balance construction in wind tunnel in Belgrade, Serbia. They use this balance for some tests. 6 orange parts, that resemble on number 8 shape, are actually parts that have sensors on it. Sensors measure deformations and based on it calculate forces in 3 directions and momentums in all three planes.

  2. Hi,

    Thank you for you quick answer. I have few more questions

    When i see this balance, i Wonder how heavy it is. Because it must be heasy so that it doesn't vibrate during the experience, otherwise it would dsirupt the results. no?

    Then i would like to know which part of this balance is in the testing room. Some parts should be hidden below this room, otherwise it would disrupt the air flow and thus the results no?

    finaly, what is the weight that this balance can support? I mean for the Model??

    Thank you for everything.

    1. I do not remember how heavy it was, it is part aluminium, part steel construction. And this is low speed balance so I am not sure if there was need for extra strength, as I was not the one who check it for strength and vibrations.

      Round plate is in floor level, so only three rods are in wind current.

      I do not know what is max model weight for this balance.

      If you have some questions you can try to contact lab personnel in wind tunnel in Military Technical Institute in Belgrade for more info.

    2. thank you, i will ask them for more info.

    3. Hi,

      I am still waiting for an answer from MTI, I just have one more question:
      Do you know which company was the one who check it for strength and vibrations?
      Was it the lab in Military Technical Insitute?


    4. As I know all MTI equipment is tested in MTI labs. :)
