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Drafting: A4 page portret set up

CAD software  Siemens NX tutorial

As many of you noticed, A4 page in drafting appear as landscape (when you go to drafting>new sheet>standard size>A4) and you have to go to custom size to edit it to make it portrait. there is solution for that, and it is easy one too.

First go to File>Utilities>Customer Defaults...

Then select Drafting in list of applications, and go to General options, Standard tab and click on Customize Standard button...

In Drafting Standards window under General you will see Drawing tab. Edit A4 size form 210x297 to 297x210, and click on Save As button.

Enter name you wish for your edited standard. I just added ivan in standard name. then click OK.

If your new standard is not selected after that you can click on drop down many and select if from list, and then click OK to apply it.

After this you will have new A4 drafting open as portrait.

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