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Tower crane 3D model

designed in Siemens NX6  

/Finished project article is here/
Project of tower crane I started just for fun. Why tower crane... I live in Belgrade and we have huge bridge currently building, and from my window it look like this:
So I was interested in tower cranes design, and after looking on internet I decided to try to "build" one in NX6. It is not real project, I do not know anything about cranes so I can't do real design with all calculations. It is just design that can be used in games as rendered model or something like that.

Few renders of work in progress:  


Need more info to finish this design...


  1. Although you admitted you were kind of clueless about real cranes, you did a great job to create a 3D version. So why not try to go for something bigger? =) You can try doing buildings, bridges, anything of that kind. Maybe you can even design your own city!

  2. hmmm... I will leave buildings to architects :) but bridge... it is nice idea, some steel bridge would be nice add to my model collection! Megan, thank you for this idea!
