Blog pages

Plastic bottle project (free CAD download file)

designed in Siemens NX6

Design of plastic bottle. This project is challenge from one of my blog readers, who saw shampoo bottle blog "Bet you can't make this", so he sent me images of bottle (green bottle images) he designed and asked me to design it too. Here is e-mail he sent to me:
u prilogu Vam šaljem nekoliko slika jedne lijepe boce pa Vas molim da je stavite na svoj blog.
Ovo je izazov a ne ona vaša boca za šampon."

I decided to share this model, so you can find links to STEP (.stp) file at bottom of the page. If you improve this model please share improvements with me.



I finished bottle, and here is my design. Images show process of designing bottle from first revolve shape, to end when i added finished neck of the bottle with bottle cap thread. Images on black background are same view angles as images I got as project order, plus isometric views.  My design:






Bottle [STEP file]

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