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Two jet engine blades

Designed in Siemens NX6

two jet engine blades
The project was made for the Serbian Army at the Military Technical Institute. These two blades are designed using only CMM measuring. Characteristics of these two blades is that they are twisted around curved line with different air profiles across span, which make them little complicated to design in CAD without paper documentation.
Red colored surfaces have some kind of surface protection. First image is rendered view, second and third show blades in design process, and last two show rendered view in different angles.

  jet engine blade in design process  
jet engine blade in design process

two jet engine blades

two jet engine blades


  1. O kom se motoru radi?

  2. Ne znam, pitao sam šefa ali ni on ne zna.
    Inače lopatice su smešno lagane i imaju neku specijalnu površinsku zaštitu.

  3. Posmatrajuci odeljak Vaseg bloga kako stvari funkcionisu, ne mogu da se otmem utisku da ove lopatice pripadaju mlaznom motoru. Po Vama kojoj sekciji mogu da pripadaju lopatice?

  4. Jesu lopatice mlaznog motora, a po tome koliko su lagane, mislim da su negde napred u kompresoru, lopatice turbine su uvek malo robusnije jer rade na visokim temperaturama. Ali možda grešim, ne mogu sa sigurnošću reći...
